Sea Sand and Birds
John's latest book Sea Sand and Birds contains a fascinating collection of high definition photographs taken on the beach at Brooms Head NSW and to borrow a line from the poet William Blake ‘To see a World in a Grain of Sand’ has never been truer when you see Johns’ photographs in this superbly produced publication. (Read more here)
Images from the End of an Era
John has photographed and published several books specifically about Australian lighthouses. His publication of, Lighthouses of Australia: Images from the End of an Era took him on a seven year journey that covered over 40,000 Kilometres. By car, helicopter, light plane and fishing boat John travelled the entire coast of Australia from Cape York, QLD to Cape Leveque, WA to assemble the 500 photographs that grace the 288 pages of this beautiful book.
Combined with concise, informative captions, 12 detailed location maps, a history of lighthouses, a chronological list of over 400 Australian lights and a section on lighthouse museums the book provides something for everybody who has an interest in lighthouses or the sea. (Read more here)
Unfortunately this edition is no longer available
The Offshore Lights
This is a fascinating collection of 500 photographs and stories about Australia's offshore lighthouses, their spectacular locations and the people who maintain them. It is a companion book to Lighthouses of Australia Images from the End of an Era and between them they provide photographs and information for over 450 of Australia's coastal, highway and major harbour lighthouses. (Read more here)
Unfortunately this edition is no longer available
Location Map
A full colour map (or chart) that shows the location of 'all' 400 lighthouses in Australia. It includes a
numbered list and an alphabetical list of all the lighthouses.
(Read more here)
Planning Ahead For Future Generations
Planning Ahead For Future Generations is a "readable" book that sets out to:
- Describe what the greenhouse effect is, and how it works.
- Show that anthropogenic (man-made) green house gases, mainly CO2, are NOT the major cause of any changes that are occurring to the world's climate.
- Show that the IPCC and Kyoto provide misleading information, do not really succeed in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and whose underlying agenda is to gain power and make money.
- Show, using Victoria as an example that giving up on fossil fuels, without having an alternative fully operational, will lead to a significant deterioration in Victorian's standard of living.
- Describe what we need to do, to build a safe and productive environment, not only for our children, but for all people who call earth "home". (Read more here)