Order Form

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Please Select Items:

Special offer:
Purchase one, two or all three, of the selected* books and only pay a total of $32.00 postage, choose
from Sea Sand and Birds, Images from the End of an Era or The Offshore Lights.

Item Description Quantity Price Total
Sea Sand and Birds* $70
*Please add postage to the above order $32 P&H
Location Map $45 including P&H
Planning Ahead For Future Generations $28 including P&H

NOTE: For overseas Postage and Handling rates or if you are interested in obtaining Wholesale quantities of these products please contact John for a quote.

Payment Method:

* Please tick a payment method:


Australian Lighthouse Traders
Attn: John Ibbotson
17 Bryce Cr Lawrence
NSW 2460 Australia


Please Sign the book(s) with "Best Wishes to "



Please fill in the form above and we will contact you to confirm your order. Fields marked with * are mandatory. If you would prefer not to fill in the online form you can download and print an order form and send it to us at the address below via the post.


17 Bryce Cr
Lawrence NSW 2460 Australia

Phone: 61-(0)2-6645-5554
ABN: 25 320 249 879
email: johnibbo@bigpond.com


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